Personal development – Wellness & Beauty – Fitness & Health
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3 Books To Read For Ultimate Motivation
Have you been spending the time recently thinking about reasons that will make you want to leave your couch or bed, and finally do something in life that would matter…
The only weightloss programm you’ll ever need
Food and Exercise Weight loss is an endeavor that many engage in but few manage to accomplish it. Losing weight is possible to achieve when you have the right attitude,…
Are you afraid of Entrepreneurship?
Fearless Entrepreneurship: 5 Common Fears and How to Overcome Them At some point or another, every entrepreneur has wondered if they are on the right track and if the business…

• About Me •
Hi there! I’m a forex trader by day and a crypto trader by night, and this is my website. I live in Germany, have a great dog named Blume, and like virgin mojitos. (And late-night snacking.)
When I’m not surfing the charts, you can probably find me in the kitchen cooking the next vegan price-winning meal of the decade (just kidding, but still vegan).
Or on the porch with a grape-mint hookah relaxing from my cooking session and planning my next adventure with my handsome husband and little Yorkshire princess Blume.
Yes, I am vegan and I love to mention it every time someone asks (or not)^^ Just kidding. But people will find out eventually as soon as they see my Instagram or go out for food with me. However, veganism is not the main topic on my website.
The main topic is much more my life in general and my life philosophy, following the laws of the universe and dreaming my way to the dreamlife I always wanted to have. And today’s your lucky day, I’ll take you with me on this journey, through this blog and website, and of course (how could it be any different) my beautiful Instagram account
What you’ll see is me on adventures, cause I love going out and experiencing joy and other feelings, but I also love a nice, cozy evening at home with a hookah and a nice driver’s cocktail.

• My Daily Choice •
My Daily Choice is a science-backed, eco-friendly company that believes in investing in quality and sustainable Products in all aspects of your life.
The products are designed to help you live a healthier lifestyle and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. They believe there’s no need to sacrifice quality for sustainability or vice versa—they’re committed to creating products that combine both.
My Daily Choice offers everything from healthy snacks, protein supplements, and essential oils to non-toxic beauty products, clothes and household cleaners and other essentials. They also offer shipping worldwide, so you can shop from anywhere in the world!
How to add personal development into your life
Personal development is a technique for you to get to know yourself better and create the best version of yourself. Whether this is to become calmer in stressful situations, handle your emotions better, improve social skills, stay mentally fit, tap into your spirituality or nourish your physical and mental body Discover how you can experience the benefits of personal development in your daily life.
Fearless Entrepreneurship: 5 Common Fears and How to Overcome Them
At some point or another, every entrepreneur has wondered if they are on the right track and if the business they are pouring their time, money, and energy into is actually going to work out how they hope. But the reality is that these fears and doubts are just part of starting your own business. As an entrepreneur, there will be times when you’re not sure that things will work out. And it is in these moments that you need to be able to take a step back and look at the situation, and your thoughts, in a different way.